NVMe–oriented VPS Hosting Offerings

A lot faster VPS’s with NVMe drives

Having an NVMe–driven virtual hosting server can be a big plus as far as web site optimization is addressed. A site or an app held on an NVMe drive will stream and perform much more quickly as opposed to a website or an application located on a common HDD. This is why, all our KVM VPS servers are equipped with NVMe storage space.

NVMe–oriented VPS Hosting Offerings

Total Operating System control

Total freedom to use whatever Operating System you choose

One of the downsides of virtual servers compared with dedicated servers is the OS itself – typically, you are restricted to the OS choices offered by your provider. However, with a KVM-based VPS you can use pretty much any OS that is supported by your server’s specifications and the main server’s hardware. This is possible due to the specific way in which KVM virtualization functions. KVM is embedded straight into the host OS kernel, enabling virtual machines to interact directly with the hardware components, without needing to use a separate communication layer, present in other server virtualization solutions.
Total Operating System control

An advanced virtualization

A kernel-based virtual machine (KVM) virtualization

What the large majority of server virtualization methodologies involve is a ‘middleman’ between the virtual machine and the physical machine, which handles system resource administration. The greatest benefit of utilizing a KVM-driven virtual machine is that the KVM technology is embedded directly into the kernel of the physical host machine’s OS, i.e. there’s no need for extra software apps – the virtual machine interacts directly with the host machine. This means distinctly fewer overheads and a faster overall performance.
An advanced virtualization

A much-improved system resource utilization

Effective use of server resources

Virtual Private Servers typically need an additional layer between them and the physical server to take care of resource administration. This suggests a pronouncedly decreased amount of available resources for the VPSs themselves. With KVM, this additional layer is eliminated, since the virtualization platform itself is implemented straight into the physical host server’s Operating System. Hence, all the resources that the host server is offering can be utilized by the KVM virtual servers that have been created. This resource availability provides you with that extra advantage you need so as to make your websites and web applications apparently distinguishable from your competition.
A much-improved system resource utilization

VPS server Backup

Your critical info will at all times be safeguarded

Preserving your web hosting server material intact is a top–priority job for our server experts. Should you lose your VPS content by mistake or resulting from a hack attack, we are willing to restore your data files from backup anytime. For this reason, we execute frequent back–ups of all your data files and data bases and we can also repair your Apache configurations.

VPS server Backup

Total Root to Your VPS

Handle every piece of your web hosting server

We allow complete admin admission to your KVM VPS server (with cPanel), so that you can get 100% control of your server. You can re–install the present OS or re–configure the Apache server. Also, you could mount any new software package that you prefer. If you need some assistance using the services of your hosting server, you may look at the Installation & Troubleshooting package any time.

Total Root to Your VPS

Zero Cost Benefits for all of Your websites

Web accelerator tools, a domain reseller account and much more

The KVM VPS servers come with a set of no cost bonuses, that include a dedicated IP address for your site. At the same time, we include a website reseller account and the ClientExec guidance and billing program to guide you start your reseller hosting home business.

Zero Cost Benefits for all of Your websites

No VPS Setup Costs

No configuration or networking upkeep fees

Our KVM VPS servers are based upon a cutting–edge virtualization technology that delivers you more autonomy from the other clients on the server. The license cost of this technology boosts the cost of a VPS pack as opposed to that of a typical cloud hosting service. To compensate for the somewhat higher value, we will not charge you any set–up and system management fees.

No VPS Setup Costs

24/7 Support

We are online to help you at any time of your day or night

Your website is down at 2 o’clock at night and you have not a clue what could have caused it? Our experienced customer support group is at your service. You want to install various software packs on your VPS, but have no clue how you can move forward with the setup? Our professionals will assist you with that. Saturdays and Sundays? We’re there for you. Holiday season? We are at your beck and call as well. That’s among the pros of being provided with a a 24x7 support service. With a 1–hour solution period guarantee.

24/7 Support

Setup & Troubleshooting

Let our system administrators execute the hard work for you

Our server professionals are able to assist you with the installation of any software app that you like for your web site. At the same time, if you experience an issue with your hosting server that you are not aware how you can solve, you can easily contact them for support. The Installing and Troubleshooting service is available as an add–on with each KVM VPS server at a very good worth.

Setup & Troubleshooting

VPS Capabilities

The KVM VPS servers are properly equipped for a variety of duties

We have diligently chosen the functions of each of our KVM VPS servers. That way, we can now be certain that all our server packs will serve you in the most effective way – from our basic KVM VPS server, which is very good for an individual media–intensive site or a smaller web application server, to our most advanced KVM VPS server, which could become the first step toward an entire reseller web hosting firm. All KVM VPS servers are located on extremely powerful, custom–made master machines to guarantee a stable platform for you to make and take care of your web sites.

VPS Capabilities

A Free Dedicated IP

A dedicated IP free of cost with each VPS

With each KVM VPS server, you’re going to receive a dedicated IP absolutely free.

A Free Dedicated IP

Hepsia Reseller Tools

Make money utilizing your server

Experience the power of the DigiHostPro hosting Control Panel in starting your very own reseller hosting venture seamlessly. Make use of the Account Management feature to establish up to 5 separate sub profiles, each one of them ready for selling to your desired audience. Even if selling web hosting isn't your main goal, making use of additional accounts can efficiently compensate monthly expenses related to the server. Please note that while Managed Services packages are offered, help with invoice or customer support is not within our area of expertise.

Hepsia Reseller Tools