Lots of licensed and some free of cost script-driven apps have protected code, which is not human readable. The concept behind this is to stop the reverse engineering and the unauthorized use of such apps. Among the most popular encryption instruments used for this particular purpose is known as Zend Guard and it is very popular since it can be used to change any PHP 4, PHP 5, PHP 7 and PHP 8 code. The only way for the encrypted files to run efficiently on a web server after that is when an extra tool called Zend Optimizer is available. If you would like to work with any kind of paid web software requiring Zend Optimizer, you have to ensure that it is set up on the server where you'll host your site. Furthermore, sites which need the tool can perform better due to the fact that their code is already precompiled and optimized, meaning that it is executed more quickly.

Zend Optimizer in Shared Web Hosting

Zend Optimizer is present on our custom cloud platform and you can use it whatever the shared web hosting plan that you choose. It can be enabled through the Hepsia Control Panel that comes with all of the accounts and it'll take you only a couple of clicks to do that. Because we support numerous versions of PHP (4, 5.2, 5.3, 5.4, 5.5, 5.6, 7.0, 7.1, 7.2, 7.3, 7.4, 8.0, 8.1, 8.2), you'll need to activate Zend Optimizer every time you change the version to one you haven't used yet. This is very easy though - the php.ini file where you can activate and deactivate various PHP extensions can be handled with a point-and-click tool, so you do not need any programming skills or previous experience. Our hosting services allow you to run any script-driven application that requires Zend Optimizer without difficulties, still if you are not sure how to proceed, you'll be able to contact our 24/7 tech support crew and they will activate the tool for you.

Zend Optimizer in Semi-dedicated Servers

We provide Zend Optimizer with all our semi-dedicated servers. It's available on our avant-garde cloud platform, so if any script-driven app that you wish to use requires it to function, you just have to activate it with a click from your Hepsia Control Panel. You'll find Zend in the PHP Configuration area where you can also switch the PHP version which your hosting account uses. For every new release that you set, just click on the On button for Zend Optimizer and you'll be all set. Hepsia remembers your choice for previously used releases of PHP, therefore you won't have to do that each and every time. In case you have more experience, you can take advantage of the versatility of our cloud platform and use a php.ini file to set another PHP version and activate/deactivate Zend Optimizer for a particular website without altering the overall settings for the entire semi-dedicated server account.