Error Log Viewer in Shared Web Hosting
The error logs are part of every shared web hosting which we offer you. You are able to switch on the function individually for every single domain or subdomain within the account from the Access/Error Logs section of our revolutionary Hepsia hosting Control Panel. This'll take literally a single click and you shall be able to download virtually any log generated by our system just as easily. In case you don't require logs, you can disable them, again with just a mouse click from the same exact section, but even after that, you'll still be able to get the previously gathered data for the particular website. The interface which Hepsia offers is quite intuitive, so the only 2 buttons you'll have to click are On/Off and Download. The raw info can be imported inside an application set up on your computer for a lot easier research, so as to allow you to resolve any issues your websites may have much easier.
Error Log Viewer in Semi-dedicated Servers
You'll be able to produce error logs for each and every site that you host in a semi-dedicated server account on our innovative website hosting platform. This function could be turned on through the Hepsia CP. After you log in and navigate to the Access/Error Logs section, you'll only have to click on the On button for the domain or subdomain that you need, since all of the domains/subdomains you have hosted/created in the account will be listed there. You can enable the error logs separately for every single Internet site, so you shall be able to keep track only of the ones you want. Clicking again on exactly the same button will deactivate the error log generation. You'll also find a Download link inside the exact same section, so you'll be able to save the information generated by the server and, if required, run it through some software on your computer to get user-friendly charts and to take care of any possible problems on your Internet site easier.