Every time you upload information on a web hosting server, you will need a certain amount of space on the hard disk dependent on its particular overall size. When you run a script-driven site which stores its data in a database, it will take more disk space, the more people use it. For example, in the event that you have a discussion board, the greater number of opinions people share, the bigger the database will be. Messages, particularly ones which have attachments, also require some disk space in the web hosting account. The HDD space quota you will get with each shared web hosting provider is the total amount of information you can have at any moment, and it features web site files, e-mails as well as databases. Likewise, a computer has a hard disk and the computer programs installed on it plus all docs and / or music files that you create or download take some storage space, which cannot exceed the total capacity of the hdd.

Disk Space in Shared Web Hosting

Our shared web hosting packages were made with the notion that too little hard disk space shouldn't be something that can obstruct the growth of your web sites. That's why we've used an approach which is more advanced than the one that most website hosting suppliers use - instead of just creating a variety of accounts using a singlle server and subsequently running out of disk space, we employ a cloud hosting platform in which the storage is taken care of by an entire group of servers. As a result, we are able to attach more machines if they're necessary or more hard disk drives, to offer you extra disk space for the files of our users. Separate clusters manage the e-mail messages as well as your databases, so not only are you able to expand your sites without having to worry about hdd space, but also the servers will operate better and faster owing to the fact that each service has its own space for storage and one server doesn't handle different types of files.

Disk Space in Semi-dedicated Servers

When you purchase a semi-dedicated server package from our firm, you'll not need to concern yourself with the hard disk space that you'll be able to use due to the basic reason that the characteristic is unrestricted. By contrast to many other hosting companies that advertise a similar service, but set up accounts on a single machine where only so much hard drives can be connected, we use an avant-garde cloud platform which uses groups of servers. All your files will be kept on a single cluster, the emails on another, the databases on a third one etc. This kind of system provides at least two noteworthy advantages - first, the disk space can never finish since we will connect additional servers to every cluster that needs them, and second, the servers will function much more smoothly since they'll take care of just a single type of processes. A semi-dedicated server package gives you the flexibility to enhance your websites as much as you need.

Disk Space in Dedicated Servers

The minimal hard disk space which you can get using our dedicated servers is 500 gigabytes. You'll have 2 hard drives, 250 GB each, and it is up to you the best way you will utilize this space. You may have the drives in RAID, so that all your content will always be secured as one of the drives will be a real-time mirror of the second one, or perhaps you are able to have them work individually, so as to use the total storing volume that is available to you. The storage space of our dedicated servers is enough for everything - vast online stores, data depository portal, individual archive backup, and many more. We will never restrain your web sites in terms of the hard disk space they need. Once that they start expanding, we provide you with the possibility to add additional disks to your present server as required. When you get the server with DirectAdmin or cPanel for the hosting Control Panel, you can also make a unique account for each hosted domain and set a certain hard disk storage allowance for it. Using Hepsia all domain names will be hosted in a single and they will share the full server storage.